
Technical SEO

Original price was: $200.00.Current price is: $165.00.

Technical SEO service for WordPress websites offers a holistic approach to enhance your site’s search engine friendliness and drive organic growth. We optimize every aspect of your website’s SEO, from plugin configuration and sitemap management to analytics integration and speed optimization. Additionally, our service includes educational components to empower you with essential SEO knowledge. Elevate your website’s visibility and performance with our comprehensive Technical SEO solution tailored for WordPress.



15 Day Delivery

Elevate your WordPress website’s performance and visibility with our meticulously crafted Technical SEO service. Designed to optimize every aspect of your site’s search engine friendliness, our approach ensures comprehensive coverage of key technical SEO elements.

Technical SEO Services:

  1. Plugin Optimization:
    • Configure and optimize SEO plugins like RankMath or Yoast to enhance on-page elements and improve search engine visibility.
  2. Sitemap Management:
    • Create and optimize XML sitemaps to provide search engines with clear navigation of your website’s structure for efficient indexing.
  3. Index Configuration:
    • Fine-tune index settings to prioritize crawling and indexing of critical pages, maximizing their visibility on search engine results pages.
  4. Robots.txt Customization:
    • Customize the robots.txt file to guide search engine crawlers and control access to specific areas of your website for improved indexing efficiency.
  5. Analytics Integration:
    • Implement Google Analytics tracking code to monitor website traffic, user behavior, and other essential metrics for informed decision-making.
  6. Search Console Setup:
    • Set up Google Search Console to monitor website performance, identify indexing issues, and submit XML sitemaps for enhanced visibility.
  7. Bing Webmaster Tools Integration:
    • Configure Bing Webmaster Tools and submit XML sitemaps to optimize visibility on Bing search results.
  8. HTTPS and Mixed Content Resolution:
    • Identify and resolve HTTPS and mixed content issues to ensure secure browsing and prevent potential ranking penalties.
  9. Speed Optimization with WP Rocket:
    • Optimize website speed and performance using the WP Rocket premium plugin for advanced caching and optimization techniques.
  10. Image Optimization:
    • Optimize website images up to 500MB to improve page load times and enhance user experience.

Additional Services (Custom Offer):

  • 404 Error Resolution
  • Broken Link Fixing
  • Redirection Management
  • Index Issue Remediation

Educational Components:

In addition to technical implementations, our service includes detailed explanations and tutorials on fundamental Technical SEO concepts:

  • HTTPS Implementation
  • Google Search Console Setup
  • Google Analytics Integration
  • Sitemap Creation
  • Duplicate Content Management
  • 404 Page Handling
  • 301 Redirects
  • Keyword Cannibalization Diagnosis
  • Schema Markup Implementation


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